What's new in 2024

Practical - New online booking option: this is probably the element our guests will have most interaction with - but don't panic : Karen and I are still here to help if the online booking goes wrong, or if you can't find what you're looking for.  If you're booking last minute, you're still best to drop us an email or call us to see what's in the diary for tomorrow as we have given ourself some wide margins so we don't overbook (Karen and I are still a bit nervous about the whole thing, so please be patient blush).  In terms of looking at our times and availability, what you can see on line is what we have available.  If you've got specific days or requirements, drop us an email as what you can see online isn't exhaustive, and we can wiggle stuff around to make it suit our clients best.  Our aim is not that the system manages us, but that we manage the system!  

We've resisted it for a long time, but it seems that online booking is here to stay in the rest of the world, so it's time to bring it to Frogs.  We still take deposits (rather than the full amount) because we know it's a lot of money to put up all at once when you're booking larger groups, or if you'd like to spread the payment a little wider.  If you have any advice or comments, please do let us know : we're very much at a learning stage.

Pretty - shiny new boats : we went green years ago (investing in long lasting, solid boats that don't need replacing every year), but we decided to go literally green.  We have two new green boats - they're a little bit littler, which means when we have smaller groups the guide will find it much easier to negotiate!

Comfortable new life-jackets : at last!! We have found comfortable, adjustable life jackets!! We've been looking for them for years, but this is the first year we've managed to find a provider who has considered the comfort of the client!

Slide-proof new shoes : we're going to be offering you the option of renting canyoning shoes!  We've always asked you to bring trainers with you, and some people do, other people don't.  Often it's only when you're in the canyon you realise just how much more fun it'd be if you could trust your feet not to slip from beneath you.  So we've invested in Addidas canyoning boots - these are the ones the guides use, and take it from me - they make a difference.  They sell very few so we have a limited selection, but if would rather use these than your own shoes, you can rent them for 10euro a pair.  



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