Frequently Asked Questions

How do we book?

Send us an email (, complete the contact form below, or call us (0033 609 308 077)

Give us as much information as you can about the activity/ies you're interested in, how many people you'll be, and your holiday dates.  We'll let you know availablity, and if it suits you, we'll book you in (we'll need your mobile number for the booking).  

We'll then send you a link so you can pay a deposit (the cost of 2 participants) on line, and secure your trip. The booking is not secure until we've received a deposit, so we suggest you pay it as soon as you can.  On the day, you can pay the balance in cash or by card.

We take payment for the number of people you book for - if you book for 5 and only 4 of you turn up on the day, I'm afraid we do take payment for the number you booked for.   This is because it's very likely we can re-sell places if you let us know early enough - so if you have a pull-out, please do let us know before you arrive so we can do our best to resell the place.  If you have a change of heart 72hours before the trip, the deposit is refundable, less 20€ admin fee.  If you have a change of heart less than 3 days before the trip, do let us know, as it's likely we'll be able to resell your places (although we will not refund the deposit  unless we manage to resell your places).

How difficult is Rafting?

Rafting is the activity where you are least autonomous: the guide is there to tell you what to do, steer the boat and give advice about paddling and swimming.   On the Classic Rafting trip we can take children from 8 years old (so long as they can swim 25ms in calm water without aid).  We recommmend our Classic Trip for people who've never rafted before and may be a bit anxious about it.  Please remember: while we do everything possible to ensure your trip is as safe and fun as possible, you are taking part in an activity in the natural (and therefore unpredictable) environment.  This means that we can NEVER guarantee that you'll stay in the boat for the whole trip - there's always a possibility that guests might fall out.  This in itself is no big deal - listen to your guide and you'll be back in the boat as soon as possible, with a great story to tell!  

Problems occur  when people don't listen to the guide (i.e. when he tells you where/when to jump/paddle etc) or fib about their age/ swimming abilities!  Respect the river and its unpredictability, and you'll be grand :-)

Any jumps that we include are optional: if you don't feel the urge, you can enjoy them as a spectator!  

How difficult is Canyoning?

Arguably the most challenging of the activities we offer, we say it's for people of 12+ for a reason!  

The guide is there to help you enjoy the activity to the maximum and the objective is for you to experience the exhileration of abseiling, jumping and sliding down natural obstacles.  If you don't have a head for heights, it's perhaps worth giving it a miss, and as a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't do the activity without peer / family pressure, don't do it!  While we've had very few accidents, the ones that happen are inevitably to people who didn't want to do it in the first place, or who were not physically fit.  Have a look at our quiz (add link) to decide if it's for you or not.

How difficult is Hydrospeeding?

Do you like being in the water?  If the answer's yes, you'll likely enjoy hydrospeeding!  Some people feel more confident hydrospeeding because there's no danger of falling out the boat...

If you find the idea of being swept down rapids and following the river while you use your fins to steer and follow the guide and exhillerating idea, it's your kind of activity!  We kit you out with reinforced wetsuits to guard against the cold and rock grazes, but it's possible bumping against rocks will happen (knees are particularly vulnerable).  

If the idea of being in the water freaks you out, it might not be such a great idea.  It's entirely normal that you're nervous before you start: everyone gets a long safety briefing giving hints and tips about white water swimming, but if you're not confident in water, stick to the rafting!

Can we raft when it's raining?


Absolutely - it's the best time to do it!  You're likely to get wet whether it's raining or sunny, so you're equipped for it in thick wetsuits...chances are you'll not even notice it's raining when you're on the water!

What do we need to bring with us?

Swimming togs, towels and dry clothes for afterwards.  And a picnic if you want to make a bit of a day of it - we've got a lovely garden at the base and we're pleased for you to make use of the picnic tables!

If we wee in our wetsuit will we warm up?


No. For a moment it'll be warm, but then it'll cool down and you'll just be sitting in a wetsuit full of your own wee. We don't recommend it.  NB: it stinks, so everyone knows you've done it ;-)

Does the guide speak english?


Yes, with a lovely french accent.

Do we have to get wet?


We cannot guarantee that you'll stay dry: you're participating in a dangerous activity in the outdoors and while we do our utmost to ensure that nothing untowards happens, there's always an element of the unknown. We cannot be sure ever that the boat will not capsize. This is why it's important to listen carefully to the safety briefing you're given at the start of the trip, and to listen to the guides throughout the trip.

I want to raft but I can't swim


Unfortunately you'll have to wait until you have learned to swim.  It's important that everyone can swim 25ms (the length of a regular pool) unaided.  Even though the life jackets are very good at their job, we don't want anyone panicing and being put off water for life.

If we're paying for a trip with a guide, nothing bad can happen : isn't that right?

Sadly not.  You're paying a highly qualified professional because what you're doing is potentially very dangerous.  We want to help everyone enjoy the outdoors, but that does mean respecting the dangers it presents.  We can never guarantee that the boat won't flip, or that you won't fall out.  It is essential that both children and adults listen to, understand and react appropriately to whatever the guide says.  Fun can become frightening very quicky, which is why you're with a guide : please respect the dangers inherent in outdoor activities.

Is there anything to do on the way/way back from rafting?

If you're rafting with us on the Dranse it's worth popping into the 'Gorge du Pont du Diable' (The Gorge of the Devil's Bridge), which you'll pass on the D902 on your way from Morzine. This is a trip into a deep gorge that locals from La Forclaz used to have to negotiate via a huge rock that has made a bridge accross it - some of them tumbled off and so it earned its name as the Devil's Bridge...It's a lovely walk through a shady gorge so it keeps you cool when the sun's out and dry when it's raining. If you fancy going further towards Lake Geneva theres also Yvoire which is a lovely medievil village on the lake and it's well worth a look.